Mommy’s Little Boo-Boo

I just deleted my last post. My husband was pretty upset with me for posting my daughter’s personal business on my blog. So, even though I can’t take it back, I deleted it and hope that my little boo-boo doesn’t come back to bite me in the butt.

My argument for writing the blog was twofold. One, I’m writing a blog about my life and that life, as a stay at home mom, is completely consumed with my child’s issues right now. I was at my emotional limit. I needed to vent. Two, I grew up thinking that mental illness was something shameful that should be kept a secret. And that didn’t feel good. I don’t want my kids to ever feel shame for things that are beyond their control. I’m done with secrets. I want them to be able to be open about themselves, to be vulnerable in a way I never could be, and accept that they are okay just the way they are. No matter what anyone else thinks of them.

My husband’s argument was that it should be our daughter’s decision to share her personal business with the world. I hadn’t thought about it from that angle before I had written and published my blog post and I felt pretty guilty about sharing something she may want to keep to herself. So I’m going to ask, for those of you who know my family personally, to keep the info I shared to yourselves. I hoping, when she’s old enough to understand, that she will share it and be supported by her friends and family.

I’m not sure how I’m going to continue this blog without really discussing what’s going on in my life, but we’ll see!